Caddick and Caldwell Blocks Christchurch Boys High School

Caddick and Caldwell Blocks
Christchurch Boys High School
Caddick and Caldwell Blocks
Christchurch Boys High School
Caddick and Caldwell Blocks
Christchurch Boys High School
Caddick and Caldwell Blocks
Christchurch Boys High School

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Ever evolving education

Grounded in place

The Caddick and Caldwell Blocks are the most recent additions to the Christchurch Boys High School (CBHS) campus.
They were completed in 2021, providing replacements for the previous buildings of the same name that were irreparably damaged in the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. Dedicated to former headmasters, these general and specialist science teaching facilities form a combined 4,880m² area, integrated with the Category 1 heritage-listed Main Block and adjacent Hall. The new buildings frame the central Mihi Whakatau Quad bringing together these many distinct site elements.

The educational brief sought to resiliently bind evolving pedagogies with the school’s traditions, values, identity, community, and spaces. Learning spaces embrace external teaching opportunities with immediate adjacencies to cloistered quadrangles and landscapes. This model has been adapted from the early School’s heritage plan and similarly references the design of CBHS's original school grounds, now The ArtsCentre.

Caddick and Caldwell Blocks
Christchurch Boys High School
Caddick and Caldwell Blocks
Christchurch Boys High School
Caddick and Caldwell Blocks
Christchurch Boys High School
Caddick and Caldwell Blocks
Christchurch Boys High School

Building upon the rich history of occupation of the site, both by the school since 1926, and prior, the design has been developed to reference these many layers. Athfield Architects alongside Canopy Landscape Architects held several workshops which sought the input and feedback of the School’s community and Whanau Groups. These workshops developed a cultural narrative which weaves throughout the landscaping, urban and built campus contexts. An example of which is the extensive use of tapatoru patterning throughout the Mihi Whakatau Quad which extends through the flooring of the Caddick Block. The new building’s architecture has been designed to reference key heritage and modernist structures on the campus through formal references, considered proportions and window fenestration, expressed colonnades and material selections. They are durable buildings grounded in place but adaptable to an ever-evolving education context.
In the words of Deputy Principal Craig Dunnett “The new buildings demonstrate the school’s unofficial motto: a modern school with a richpast”.

Caddick and Caldwell Blocks
Christchurch Boys High School


The project was recognised with the Ted McCoy Supreme Award for Education in 2022 from the Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Institute of Architects National Architecture Awards,
“The Christchurch Boys’ High School Caddick Caldwell Block is an exemplary educational project. It responds to the heritage context of the existing Main Block with a series of quads linking old and new….The Caddick Caldwell Block is configured as a series of more traditional spaces that contribute to the school’s masterplan, supporting its future expansion.” – Jury Citation
Currently Athfield Architects are undertaking the restoration and refurbishment of the Heritage – listed Main Block, and the South EastWings.

Caddick and Caldwell Blocks
Christchurch Boys High School